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Computational Techniques for Life Sciences

Part of the TACC Institute Series, Immersive Training in Advanced Computation

1) Try loading gcc and intel compilers at the same time. What happens?

$ module list
  Currently Loaded Modules:
    1) intel/16.0.1   2) cray_mpich/7.3.0   3) TACC/1.0
$ module load gcc
  Lmod is automatically replacing "intel/16.0.1" with "gcc/5.2.0".
  Due to MODULEPATH changes, the following have been reloaded:
    1) cray_mpich/7.3.0
$ module list
  Currently Loaded Modules:
    1) TACC/1.0   2) gcc/5.2.0   3) cray_mpich/7.3.0

Having both intel and gcc compilers loaded would be a conflict, so the module system does not allow it.

2) Determine recommended compiler / dependencies for a software package you use. Are they available on Lonestar5?

*As an example application, we will consider Tophat. Listed on the Tophat website are the following dependencies: bowtie, boost

$ module avail bowtie
$ module avail boost
