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Computational Techniques for Life Sciences

Part of the TACC Institute Series, Immersive Training in Advanced Computation

Lonestar5 Basics

Lonestar5 has a complex architecture consisting of a few different types of nodes:


Login Nodes:

Compute Nodes:

GPU Nodes:

Large Memory Nodes (Haswell):

Large Memory Nodes (Ivy Bridge):

Because there are two different chip microarchitectures (Haswell and Ivy Bridge), we must take an extra step when compiling code so that it is optimized for both. Specifically we use -xAVX -axCORE-AVX2 flags when compiling so that a single binary can be used on both architectures. (More on this later).

File Systems

You have access to the following spaces (5-digit lustre number and username vary for each user):

/home1/03439/wallen/      # 5 GB quota
/work/03439/wallen/       # 1 TB quota
/scratch/03439/wallen/    # unlimited quota, but subject to purge

Shortcuts to switch between the three spaces are:

$ cd
$ cdw
$ cds


$ cd $HOME
$ cd $WORK


To identify available gcc and intel compilers, try:

$ module spider gcc
$ module spider intel
  intel: intel/16.0.1

Loading a gcc module will put these compilers in your path:

Loading an intel module will put these compilers in your path:

For MPI programming, the MPICH implementation of the MPI standard is available as:

$ module spider cray_mpich

Loading the cray_mpich module will put the compilers mpicc, mpicxx, and mpif90 in your path.

Common Dependencies

Many programs you install will depend on some other program already being installed and in your path. This information is typically included in the online documentation or install instructions for the program you are trying to install. A good rule of thumb is to check if the dependency already exists on Lonestar5 before trying to install it yourself. Check out these modules on Lonestar5 which are common dependencies for other packages:

$ module spider mkl
$ module spider fftw
$ module spider hdf5
$ module spider cmake
$ module spider gsl
$ module spider qt
$ module spider boost


  1. Try loading gcc and intel compilers at the same time. What happens?
  2. Determine recommended compiler / dependencies for a software package you use. Are they available on Lonestar5?

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Previous: HPC Software Environment Next: Installing an Application Top: Course Overview