
Rolling Gantry Crane

Pulls containers from either:

and generates Lmod modulefiles for use on HPC systems.


  • Validates each URL
    • Looks for name and tag on specified repsoitory
    • Excludes packages that are classified as Libraries on bio.tools
  • Pulls data for each URL
    • Container
    • Metadata from
      • bio.tools
      • launchpad
  • Scans programs on each container's $PATH
  • Filters out programs based on the following criteria
    • Programs exist in baseline images
      • ubuntu:xenial
      • centos:7
      • ubuntu:bionic
      • continuumio/miniconda:latest
      • biocontainers/biocontainers:latest
      • gzynda/build-essential:bionic
    • Programs that exist in -p percent of images
  • Generates Lmod files with
    • Metadata
    • Exposed executables


  • docker or singularity
  • python 2 or 3
    • tqdm


  • Linux
  • MacOS


usage: rgc [-h] [-I PATH] [-M PATH] [-C STR] [-P STR] [-r STR]
           [--modprefix STR] [--cachedir STR] [-L] [-p INT] [-S] [-f] [-d]
           [-t INT] [--version] [-v]
           URL [URL ...]

rgc - Pulls containers and generates Lmod modulefiles for use on HPC systems

positional arguments:
  URL                   Image urls to pull

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -I PATH, --imgdir PATH
                        Directory used to cache singularity images
  -M PATH, --moddir PATH
                        Path to modulefiles [./modulefiles]
  -C STR, --contact STR
                        Contact URL(s) in modules separated by ","
  -P STR, --prefix STR  Prefix string to image directory for when an
                        environment variable is used - not used by default
  -r STR, --requires STR
                        Module prerequisites separated by "," []
  --modprefix STR       Prefix for all module names bwa/1.12 ->
  --cachedir STR        Directory to cache metadata in [~/rgc_cache]
  -L, --include-libs    Include containers of libraries
  -p INT, --percentile INT
                        Exclude programs in >= p% of images [25]
  -S, --singularity     Images are cached as singularity containers - even
                        when docker is present
  -f, --force           Force overwrite the cache
  -d, --delete-old      Delete unused containers and module files
  -t INT, --threads INT
                        Number of concurrent threads to use for pulling [8]
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose logging


Pulling and generating modules for bwa, samtools, and bowtie

rgc biocontainers/bwa:0.7.15 biocontainers/samtools:v1.7.0_cv3 biocontainers/bowtie:v1.1.2_cv3

and if you don't have a system running Lmod, feel free to test in docker

$ docker run --privileged --rm -it gzynda/rgc:latest bash

$ rgc biocontainers/bwa:0.7.15 biocontainers/samtools:v1.7.0_cv3 biocontainers/bowtie:v1.1.2_cv3
$ module use ${PWD}/modulefiles
$ module avail
$ module load bwa
$ bwa