How to Test

Test Locally

You can test mkdocs-tacc locally with PIP or Poetry.

You can test mkdocs-tacc clients the same way; some also support Docker and Make. *

  1. Ensure PIP is updated; 21.3+ recommended:

    pip install --upgrade pip
  2. To install dependencies and serve docs in isolation:

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -e .
    mkdocs serve

To deactivate environment: deactivate

To remove environment: rm -rf venv

  1. Ensure Poetry is updated; 1.5.0+ recommended:

    poetry self update
  2. To install dependencies and serve docs in isolation:

    poetry install --sync
    poetry run mkdocs serve

To deactivate environment: exit

To remove environment: poetry env remove --all

  1. Ensure Docker is updated; 20.10.0+ recommended:

    docker --version

    Only checks version. Upgrade differs per platform.

  2. To install dependencies and serve docs in isolation:

    docker compose up

To deactivate environment: docker compose stop

To remove environment: docker compose down

  1. Ensure Make is available:

    make --version

    Only checks version. Upgrade differs per platform.

  2. To install dependencies and serve docs in isolation:

    make start

To deactivate environment: Ctrl+C

To remove environment: make stop

Test Remotely

Some clients will offer automatic, remote build and deploy for testing.

Test on Client

at Specific Revision

To test changes end-to-end on client repository:

  1. Clone and/or enter client repository.
  2. Install the theme at a specific version —

    pip install mkdocs-tacc==0.5.0
    poetry add mkdocs-tacc@0.5.0

    — or a specific branch –

    pip install "mkdocs-tacc[all] @ git+"
    poetry add "mkdocs-tacc[all] @ git+"

    — or other revision.

in Real-Time

To test changes real-time on client repository:

  1. Clone and/or enter client repository.
  2. Install the theme in editable mode, e.g.

    pip install -e ../mkdocs-tacc

    Where ../mkdocs-tacc is the path to your clone of this repository.

    If changes since that command are not reflected, try:

    pip uninstall mkdocs-tacc
    pip install -e ../mkdocs-tacc
    poetry add --editable ../mkdocs-tacc

    Where ../mkdocs-tacc is the path to your clone of this repository.

    If changes since that command are not reflected, try:

    poetry remove mkdocs-tacc
    poetry add --editable ../mkdocs-tacc # ¹