How to Configure

You can configure the theme appearance and behavior.

MkDocs offers a generic, detailed guide to configuring a MkDocs theme.


    name: tacc_readthedocs
    logo: img/logo.svg
Property Value Description
name tacc_readthedocs Enable the TACC theme.
logo img/logo.svg Path to a custom logo (or overwrite the logo file).


Property Description
hljs_aliases Custom language aliases for highlight.js code blocks
nav_redirects Redirect nav links to external pages
portal_url URL of a relevant website or portal
portal_name Name of a relevant website or portal
nav_name Custom name for the navigation section

Custom Language Aliases

Define custom language identifiers for code blocks e.g.

    name: tacc_readthedocs
        - name: cmd-line
          lang: bash
        - name: job-script
          lang: bash

Set up redirects for navigation links e.g.

    name: tacc_readthedocs
        - from: /old-page/
          to: /new-page/

Link to a related non-documentation website e.g.

    name: tacc_readthedocs
    portal_name: Your Related non-Documentation Website

Customize the navigation section name e.g.

    name: tacc_readthedocs
    nav_name: Documentation

Alternate Text

The theme can change some of the default English text via optional internationalization (i18n) feature.

from to reason
"Edit on %(repo_name)s" "Suggest an update via %(repo_name)s" more accurately reflects contribution workflow of public repositories

To enable all text changes, install the theme with the i18n extra:

PIP Poetry
pip install "mkdocs-tacc[i18n]" poetry add mkdocs-tacc --extras i18n

If you install without the i18n extra, the default text "Edit on %(repo_name)s" will be used.

More Options