MkDocs TACC Theme
A TACC-styled MkDocs theme based on MkDocs' own ReadTheDocs theme.
How to Install
Install the theme (with all or zero extra functionality).
- For all features
pip install "mkdocs-tacc[all]"
- To change text, like "Edit on GitHub"
pip install "mkdocs-tacc[i18n]"
- For extra Markdown syntax
pip install "mkdocs-tacc[pymdown-extensions]"
- For minimal install
pip install mkdocs-tacc
- For all features
poetry add "mkdocs-tacc[all]"
- To change text, like "Edit on GitHub"
poetry add "mkdocs-tacc[i18n]"
- For extra Markdown syntax
poetry add "mkdocs-tacc[pymdown-extensions]"
- For minimal install
poetry add mkdocs-tacc
Use the theme in your MkDocs project; set —
theme: name: tacc_readthedocs
— in your
. -
Include the typical or minimal set of extensions — e.g.
markdown_extensions: - toc: permalink: "" # i.e. `true` but without "¶" permalink_class: headerlink fa fa-link permalink_title: Link to Heading
— in your
Configure & Customize
You can configure the appearance and behavior.
You can expand or rewrite parts of the theme.
Supported Extensions
This theme supports many Markdown extensions.