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Computational Techniques for Life Sciences

Part of the TACC Institute Series, Immersive Training in Advanced Computation

Parallelizing Jobs

According to the Stanford CPU database, processors haven’t gotten faster since 2005.

clock rates

No matter how much we’ve spent on the latest and greatest PC, sequential (single-core) programs won’t be going any faster. Even at TACC, Stampede processors ran between 2.7 and 3.5 GHz and Stampede 2 processors run at 1.4 GHz.

However, transistor and core counts are increasing.


Stampede had 16 cores in the main CPU, while Stampede 2 will have 68! We can take advantage of these resources with threaded code and concurrent task scheduling.

Threaded Applications

The most proactive thing we can do is run our applications on multiple threads/processors when possible. This means reading the manual, finding the option for scaling execution, and usually setting it to correspond with the system core count.

TACC System Cores/Node
Stampede 16
Stampede 2 68
Lonestar 5 24
Maverick 20
Wrangler 24

The version of sort on LS5 does have a parallel option, so lets give it a try using our standard workflow.

$ time sort -S 100M -k1,1 -k2,2n SRR2014925.bed | head
$ time sort --parallel 24 -S 100M -k1,1 -k2,2n SRR2014925.bed | head

We can also use a loop to see where increasing the number of threads becomes ineffective.

for N in {1..6}
   time sort --parallel $N -S 100M -k1,1 -k2,2n SRR2014925.bed > /dev/null
done 2>&1 | grep "real" | awk '{ print NR"\t"$0 }'

Time writes to stderr instead of stdout, so we need the 2>&1 redirection to grep for real time.

Do you see a point where extra cores becomes ineffective? Does increasing the memory limit help?


Concurrent Processes

When programs don’t allow thread scaling, or they do not scale after a certain limit like sort, we have the option to run multiple programs at the same time - assuming there is leftover memory and i/o. The most basic version of this is multitasking by running multiple programs in the background. Starting from a sequential example

time for N in {1..4}
   sleep 2 && echo "$N - Done - $(date +%s)"
   sleep 1

The scheduling would look like this

N 123456789012
2    SSE
3       SSE
4          SSE

This should take about 3 seconds per loop, so hopefully 12 seconds in total. We can run multiple tasks in parallel by launching the sleep/echo line in the background and not waiting for it to complete.

time for N in {1..4}
   ( sleep 2 && echo "$N - Done - $(date +%s)" ) &
   sleep 1

The parallel scheduling would look like

N 12345
1 SE
2  SE
3   SE
4    SE

However, you may notice that time prints before the 4th task finishes. That’s because the for loop, and time, exits before the backgrounded task finishes. We cane make this much more apparent with

time for N in {1..4}
   ( sleep 2 && echo "$N - Done - $(date +%s)" ) &

If we use wait at the end of our for loop, the program will block until all the child processes are completed.

time ( for N in {1..4}
   ( sleep 2 && echo "$N - Done - $(date +%s)" ) &
done && wait)

The parallel scheduling now looks like

N 12
1 SE
2 SE
3 SE
4 SE

And assuming we have at least 4 cores in our computer, this is what we want. When you start writing workflows with large numbers of tasks, it becomes difficult to schedule everything programmatically, so I recommend the xargs command to work through everything for you.

time for N in {1..4}
   echo "sleep 2 && echo '$N - Done - $(date +%s)'"
done | xargs -L 1 -P 4 -I {} bash -c {}

When xargs recieves the -L 1 argument, it will run an entire line (which we echo). The -P argument controls the number of cores you want to schedule the tasks on, and the -I {} argument will substitute the input line as {} at the end.

You can also send a list directly to xargs and specify that each word (-n 1) be executed on, making it trivial to compress

$ ls *fastq *fasta
$ ls *fastq *fasta | xargs -n 1 -P 24 gzip
$ ls *fastq* *fasta*

and decompress files.

$ ls *fastq* *fasta*
$ ls *fastq* *fasta* | xargs -n 1 -P 24 gzip -d
$ ls *fastq* *fasta*



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