Computational Science in the Cloud Institute 2018

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Introduction to OpenStack CLI

The OpenStack command line interface (CLI) is only one way to interact with OpenStack’s RESTful API. In this exercise we will use the command line clients installed on Jetstream instances to OpenStack entities; e.g. images, instances, volumes, objects, networks, etc.

It is important to note that you should be using the latest version of the OpenStack clients. This tutorial was developed with openstack –version = openstack 3.8.1 If your commands are failing, a likely cause would be outdated clients.

Some background getting started Jetstream Documentation

Getting started with the Jetstream’s OpenStack API

Notes about accessing Jetstream’s OpenStack API

SDKs for programmatically accessing OpenStack’s APIs for Jetstream’s OpenStack API

Getting started with the hands on portion of the tutorial

Insuring that your credentials are in order

Jetstream is an XSEDE resource and you must have an XSEDE account before you can use it either via the Atmosphere user interface or the OpenStack API. The following steps must work before proceeding; specifically, accessing the Horizon dashboard. If you cannot login to the Horizon dashboard, nothing else will work.

The script sets the environment variables that are needed to access Jetstream’s API. Create a file with this content named

# API access for Jetstream is always to the tacc domain

# the specific project and user accessing the API
export OS_USERNAME=tgxxxxxx
export OS_PASSWORD=”xxxxxxx"

# endpoint information; i.e. which cloud
export OS_AUTH_URL=

To set the environment variables, source the file. Note: make sure to source the script, not execute it


In the real world you will want not want to save your password in a file. A much more secure way to set OS_PASSWORD is to read it from the command line when the openrc is sourced. E.g.

echo "Please enter your OpenStack Password: "

You can also have the Horizon dashboard create an file for you.

Our first OpenStack command

Now try a simple command to see if things are working

openstack image list

A few notes about openstack commands

Command structure


openstack image list
openstack image show JS-API-Featured-CentOS7-May-11-2018
openstack image show bd0a7a4c-bb4c-483a-9047-0294381b3efd

Names verses UUIDs

Creating the cyberinfrastructure and booting your first instance

We will be following the short tutorial on the Jetstream documentation Wiki

It is informative to follow what’s happening in the Horizon dashboard as you execute commands. Keep in mind that in OpenStack everything is project based. More than likely, everyone in this tutorial is in the same OpenStack project. In the Horizon dashboard you will see the results of all the other students commands as they execute them.

What we’re going to do

Create security group and adding rules to the group

Create the group that we will be adding rules to

openstack security group create --description "ssh & icmp enabled" ${OS_USERNAME}-global-ssh

Create a rule for allowing ssh inbound from an IP address

openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 22:22 --src-ip ${OS_USERNAME}-global-ssh

Create a rule that allows ping and other ICMP packets

openstack security group rule create --proto icmp ${OS_USERNAME}-global-ssh

Optional rule to allow connectivity within a mini-cluster; i.e. if you boot more than one instance, this rule allows for comminications amonst all those instances.

openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 1:65535 --src-ip ${OS_USERNAME}-global-ssh
openstack security group rule create --proto udp --dst-port 1:65535 --src-ip ${OS_USERNAME}-global-ssh

A better (more restrictive) example might be:

openstack security group rule create --proto tcp --dst-port 1:65535 --src-ip 10.X.Y.0/0 ${OS_USERNAME}-global-ssh
openstack security group rule create --proto udp --dst-port 1:65535 --src-ip 10.X.Y.0/0 ${OS_USERNAME}-global-ssh

Adding/removing security groups after an instance is running

openstack server add    security group ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1 ${OS_USERNAME}-global-ssh
openstack server remove security group ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1 ${OS_USERNAME}-global-ssh

Note: that when you change the rules within a security group you are changing them in real-time on running instances. When we boot the instance below, we will specify which security groups we want to associate to the running instance.

Access to your instances will be via ssh keys

If you do not already have an ssh key we will need to create on. For this tutorial we will create a passwordless key. In the real world, you would not want to do this

ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f ${OS_USERNAME}-api-key -P ""

Upload your key to OpenStack

openstack keypair create --public-key ${OS_USERNAME} ${OS_USERNAME}-api-key

Create and configure the network (this is usually only done once)

Create the network

openstack network create ${OS_USERNAME}-api-net

List the networks; do you see yours?

openstack network list

Create a subnet within your network. Note the X & Y in the address range. Each student in this class (technically, this OpenStack project) will need to use a unique subnet range

openstack subnet create --network ${OS_USERNAME}-api-net --subnet-range 10.X.Y.0/24 ${OS_USERNAME}-api-subnet1

Create a router

openstack router create ${OS_USERNAME}-api-router

Attach your subnet to the router

openstack router add subnet ${OS_USERNAME}-api-router ${OS_USERNAME}-api-subnet1

Attach your router to the public (externally routed) network

openstack router set --external-gateway public ${OS_USERNAME}-api-router

Note the details of your router

openstack router show ${OS_USERNAME}-api-router

Start an instance

Note the flavors (sizes) of instances that create

openstack flavor list

Note the possible images that you can use on the API side of Jetstream.

openstack image list --limit 500 | grep JS-API-Featured

Make sure to pick an image with the string JS-API-Featured in it; unless you are booting an image created by taking a snapshot of a JS-API-Featured instance. Images without the -API- string are destined to be boot via Atmosphere. Atmosphere runs various scripts during the boot process. If you are booting via the API then these scripts will not get executed and the booted instance may (probably) will not be usable.

Time to boot your instance

openstack server create ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1 \
--flavor <FLAVOR> \
--image <IMAGE-NAME> \
--key-name ${OS_USERNAME}-api-key \
--security-group ${OS_USERNAME}-global-ssh \
--nic net-id=${OS_USERNAME}-api-net

Note that ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1 is the name of the running instance. Pick a name that means something to you. Each instance you boot should have a unique name; otherwise, you will have to control your instances via the UUID

Create an IP address…

openstack floating ip create public

…then add that IP address to your running instance.

openstack server add floating ip ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1 <>

Is the instance reachable?

ping <>
ssh root@<>

Putting our instance into a non-running state

Reboot the instance (shutdown -r now).

openstack server reboot ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1
openstack server reboot ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1 --hard

Stop the instance (shutdown -h now). Note that state is not retained and that resources are still reserved on the compute host so that when you decide restart the instance, resources are available to activate the instance.

openstack server stop ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1
openstack server start ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1

Pause the instance Note that your instance still remains in memory, state is retained, and resources continue to be reserved on the compute host assuming that you will be restarting the instance.

openstack server pause   ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1
openstack server unpause ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1

Put the instance to sleep; similar to closing the lid on your laptop.
Note that resources are still reserved on the compute host for when you decide restart the instance

openstack server suspend ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1
openstack server resume  ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1

Shut the instance down and move to storage. Memory state is not maintained. Ephemeral storage is maintained.

openstack server shelve ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1
openstack server unshelve ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1

Dismantling what we have built

Note that infrastructure such as networks, routers, subnets, etc. only need to be created once and are usable by all members of the project. These steps are included for completeness. And, to clean up for the next class.

Remove the IP from the instance

openstack server remove floating ip ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1 <>

Return the IP to the pool

openstack floating ip delete <>

Delete the instance

openstack server delete ${OS_USERNAME}-api-U-1

Unplug your router from the public network

openstack router unset --external-gateway ${OS_USERNAME}-api-router

Remove the subnet from the network

openstack router remove subnet ${OS_USERNAME}-api-router ${OS_USERNAME}-api-subnet1

Delete the router

openstack router delete ${OS_USERNAME}-api-router

Delete the subnet

openstack subnet delete ${OS_USERNAME}-api-subnet1

Delete the network

openstack network delete ${OS_USERNAME}-api-net

For further investigation…

A tutorial was presented at the PEARC17 conference on how to build a SLURM HPC cluster with OpenStack
The tutorial assumes that a node at IP is running that you need to login to as a first step. This node was provided as an easy way to run the class and its only purpose was to provide a host with the openstack CLI clients installed. You can safely skip this step and proceed with executing the openstack commands you see in the tutorial.