Computational Science in the Cloud Institute 2018

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Welcome to Computational Science in the Cloud

Getting Set Up

Please log in to the WiFi (see handout), and make sure you have the following required software for your operating system:

Mac / Linux:

  'Terminal' application
  Web browser (Firefox/Chrome)


  'PuTTY' application
  'WinSCP application
  Web browser (Firefox/Chrome)

You should each have a page with training account login information.

Objectives for the Computational Science in the Cloud Summer Institute

Provide attendees the basic skills needed to:

  1. Use cloud infrastructure-as-a-service for launching virtual servers
  2. Automate cloud deployments using devops tools such as Ansible
  3. Build a progressively more complex reproducible computational environment using progressively more automation
  4. Write Python scripts within Jupyter notebooks for performing reproducible data analysis
  5. Utilize cloud APIs such as Agave for accessing and storing results
Next: Welcome Part 2 Top: Course Overview