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Computational Science in the Cloud Institute 2016

Singularity @ TACC

We are continuously rolling out new super computers at TACC, and their operating systems and software stacks usually vary different to support specialized hardware or secure environments. To support tools that are community built and often not compatible with our system libraries, we have begun rolling out Singularity.

Singularity was designed to run on shared systems from the start. At no point can a user become root inside a container (as they would in a VM or docker) when they cannot on the main system itself. All permissions are preserved so no shared resources are affected. By this design an image cannot be edited on a TACC system.

What you can do with Singularity is build your own custom environment on your personal system, and then ship THAT image to TACC. Assuming you have sudo on your own system, you can apt-get or yum install any software you need. This stays inside the container. You then bring that container to TACC and it gets executed by your user account. You can also pull Docker images to an HPC system without being root too.

Apart from being secure, Singularity tries to pass system resources directly into the containers. This means shared filesystems will be available if they are usually available to you as a user, GPUs, and network interconnects that include infiniband.

Installing Singularity

Lets begin by building Singularity on your Jetstream instances, so you can build a custom Singularity container.

sudo apt-get install libtool
git clone
cd singularity/
git checkout 2.3.1
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc
sudo make install

Creating a singularity image

Create an empty 1024 MB image and format it as an ext3 filesystem.

singularity create -s 1024 myimage.img

Import an operating system

We are running ubuntu on our Jetstream instances, so lets import a centos system.

singularity import myimage.img docker://centos:latest

Enter the container

We can enter the container and launch a shell with

singularity shell myimage.img

You can then interact with the container as you would a normal CLI. Exit your container, and lets do a couple sanity checks.

From Jetstream instance

[jetstream]$ whoami
[jetstream]$ cat /etc/*release

From Singularity shell

[jetstream]$ singularity shell myimage.img
[singularity]$ whoami
[singularity]$ cat /etc/*release

Running Commands

You can also run commands in the container without entering it.

[jetstream]$ singularity exec myimage.img cat /etc/*release

While this location is inside your container, your $HOME directory gets passed into the container automatically.

[jetstream]$ echo "OUTSIDE CONTAINER" > ~/test.txt
[jetstream]$ singularity exec myimage.img cat $HOME/test.txt

Modifying a container

By default, you cannot modify an image

[jetstream]$ singularity shell myimage.img
[singularity]$ touch /test.file

You can only modify a container with sudo, and specifying that you want to mount the container as writeable.

[jetstream]$ sudo singularity shell --writeable myimage.img
[singularity]$ touch /test.file
[singularity]$ exit
[jetstream]$ singularity exec myimage.img ls /

Passing in filesystems

In normal versions of Singularity, you can specify which folders get mounted in a container when it is run. At TACC, we specifically limit that to our shared filesystems as a security precaution. This means you will need to always add

folders in your containers if you wish to interact with them like you did your $HOME folder.

Community containers

We already know about pulling images like centos directly from docker, but there are whole communities like biocontainers for bioinformatics and singularity hub to deliver software. Lets try pulling qiime from biocontainers since it has a complicated install process.

[jetstream]$ singularity pull --size 2048 docker://
[jetstream]$ singularity exec qiime-1.9.1--np112py27_1.img -h

Just make sure to

[jetstream]$ sudo singularity exec --writable qiime-1.9.1--np112py27_1.img mkdir /{work,scratch,home1,corral}

if you want to run this at TACC. Lets also transfer this image to Stampede2

[jetstream]$ scp qiime-1.9.1--np112py27_1.img

Running containers at TACC

Singularity 2.3.1 is installed on Stampede2, but it can only be run from compute nodes.

[jetstream]$ ssh
[stampede2]$ module load tacc-singularity
[stampede2]$ singularity -h

You should recieve a warning message because you are currently on a login node.

Login nodes are the nodes that all users land on when they ssh to a TACC system. These are designed to

To ensure that all users have a responsive experience at TACC, we disabled Singularity on login nodes. This is because your container spawns many processes and utilizes loop devices when mounting the image. Luckily, TACC makes interactive compute sessions fairly accessible.

[jetstream]$ idev -m 30
[compute]$ singularity -h

You should now be able to run/exec/shell your the qiime container you transferred to Stampede2!

[compute]$ singularity exec qiime-1.9.1--np112py27_1.img -h
[compute]$ singularity shell qiime-1.9.1--np112py27_1.img
[singularity]$ ls /work
[singularity]$ ls /scratch

Sinularity Bootstrap

Besides pulling pre-built docker images, you can build your own by writing a definition file and bootstrapping (building) the image on your own.

A singularity file contains a header, which specifies the manager and base OS to build from.

Docker header

Bootstrap: docker
From: ubuntu:latest

Centos header

BootStrap: yum
OSVersion: 7
Include: yum

Definition sections

After you make your header, you just need to write the sections of your container.

Example definition file

BootStrap: docker
From: fedora:latest


yum -y install samtools BEDTools git


echo "Arguments received: $*"
exec bedtools "$@"


bv=$(bedtools --version)
if [ "$bv" == "bedtools v2.26.0" ]
    echo "PASS - $bv found"
    echo "FAIL - $bv not found"





AUTHOR username


After creating your image, you can bootstrap and run it as follows

singularity create -F -s 1024 bedtools.img
sudo singularity bootstrap bedtools.img bedtools.def
singularity test bedtools.img
singularity run bedtools.img intersect -h
singularity exec bedtools.img bedtools intersect -h