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The MassivePixelEnvironment (MPE) is a Processing library for easily extending sketches to distributed display environments.

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Welcome to the homepage for the Massive Pixel Environment library for the Processing Programming Language.

You can download the library with the links above. It can be installed by copying the archive contents to your sketchbook's libraries folder.


MPE was developed at the Texas Advanced Computing Center and aims to make it easy to prototype visualizations for otherwise difficult to use distributed systems. MPE is compatible with the lastest Processing versions and supports full compatibility with advanced featuresets of OpenGL. MPE was originally developed by @bmwesting and is currently maintained by @rturknett.



Getting Started:

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NEH This work was made possible by funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Grant:HD-51475-11, A Thousand Words: Advanced Visualization for the Humanities.

Awards and News

MPE Award